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Air Jordan 1 Retro High OG ''Green Glow''

190,00 €

Retro I

Retro I
1985 was a great year, and not just because Michael Jordan was the rookie of the year and that we were able to watch his wickedness in an All-Stars game. This year was special because of the first issue of the most popular Jordan shoe, the Air Jordan 1. This is the first footwear in the successful Air Jordan series that laid the foundation for the future of basketball footwear. Today's legendary Peter Moore signed the footwear. And although Jordan initially didn't want to wear them (the colors were reminiscent of the devil's colors), he consented later, and we believe that today, he is not sorry.

Air Jordan 1 was the first basketball shoe to feature many colors, and because of that, it received a lot of attention, including from the NBA organization, which then banned the shoe and set clear rules and the amount of penalties Jordan had to pay if he wanted to wear them. All in all, Nike recognized their opportunity and encouraged the young Jordan to wear an Air Jordan 1, and they were expected to pay around $5,000 each match. The promotion in itself was great, as was the campaign called 'Banned by the NBA', which also marked the launch of the Jordan brand.  


1984 nahm Nike den äußerst talentierten Michael Jordan unter Vertrag und brachte 1985 die ersten legendären Air Jordan 1 Sneakers auf den Markt. Es folgten weitere beliebte Modelle, die die Marke zu einem weltweiten Hit machten, mit Botschaftern wie Ray Allen, Carmelo Anthony, Chris Paul, Jayson Tatum, Zion Williamson und Luka Dončić. Jumpman, das Logo dieser Marke, ist ein Zeichen für Spitzenqualität und Stil und darf in der Garderobe eines Basketballfans nicht fehlen.

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